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[AWS] 파이썬 boto3를 사용한 AWS Security Group 과도한 포트 오픈 점검 본문
- 인/아웃바운드 점검
- 80, 443 포트 IP ALL 오픈 여부 점검
- Unknown 포트 IP ALL 오픈 여부 점검 (추가 검증 필요)
- Security Group과 매핑되는 EC2 찾기
import boto3
from botocore.exceptions import ClientError
ec2 = boto3.client('ec2')
def get_sg_list():
response = ec2.describe_security_groups()['SecurityGroups']
print("1. Inbound ALL:ALL policy check")
for i in response:
sg_id = i['GroupId']
sg_Name = i['GroupName']
check_inbound_rule(sg_id, sg_Name)
print("\n\n2. Outbound ALL:ALL policy check")
for i in response:
sg_id = i['GroupId']
sg_Name = i['GroupName']
check_outbound_rule(sg_id, sg_Name)
def get_instance_name(sg_id):
response = ec2.describe_instances()
for reservation in response['Reservations']:
for instance in reservation['Instances']:
for securityGroup in instance['SecurityGroups']:
if sg_id in securityGroup['GroupId']:
#instance_id = instance['InstanceId']
instance_name = instance['Tags'][0]['Value']
return instance_name
except Exception as e:
print('get_instance_error', ee)
def check_inbound_rule(sg_id, sg_Name):
data = ec2.describe_security_groups(GroupIds=[sg_id])['SecurityGroups'][0]['IpPermissions']
for i in data:
get_protocol = i['IpProtocol']
if get_protocol == '-1': #값이 -1이면 모든 트래픽을 의미함
if 'FromPort' not in i : #FromPort가 없으므로 모든 포트를 뜻함
instance_name = get_instance_name(sg_id)
print(f"Instance_Name: {instance_name} // Security_Group_ID: {sg_id} // Security_Group_Name: {sg_Name} // IP_Address: // Port: ALL // Description: None")
elif 'Description' not in i['IpRanges'][0]: #FromPort 값이 존재하며(모든 포트는 아니고), 설명이 없는 경우
get_ip = i['IpRanges'][0]['CidrIp']
instance_name = get_instance_name(sg_id)
print(f"Instance_Name: {instance_name} // Security_Group_ID: {sg_id} // Security_Group_Name: {sg_Name} // IP_Address: {get_ip} // Port: ALL // Description: None")
else: #FromPort 값이 존재하며(모든 포트는 아니고), 설명이 있는 경우
get_description = i['IpRanges'][0]['Description']
get_ip = i['IpRanges'][0]['CidrIp']
instance_name = get_instance_name(sg_id)
print(f"Instance_Name: {instance_name} // Security Group ID: {sg_id} // Security_Group_Name: {sg_Name} // IP Address : {get_ip} // Port: ALL // Description: {get_description}")
elif (get_protocol == 'tcp' or 'udp') and (i['FromPort'] == '80' or '443') and i['IpRanges'][0]['CidrIp'] == '': #80, 443이 열린 경우
get_port = i['FromPort']
get_ip = i['IpRanges'][0]['CidrIp']
if 'Description' not in i['IpRanges'][0]:
instance_name = get_instance_name(sg_id)
print(f"Instance_Name: {instance_name} // Security_Group_ID: {sg_id} // Security_Group_Name: {sg_Name} // IP_Address: {get_ip} // Port: {get_port} // Description: None")
get_description = i['IpRanges'][0]['Description']
instance_name = get_instance_name(sg_id)
print(f"Instance_Name: {instance_name} // Security_Group_ID: {sg_id} // Security_Group_Name: {sg_Name} // IP_Address: {get_ip} // Port: {get_port} // Description: {get_description}")
except KeyError as e:
print('inbound keyerror', e)
except IndexError as e:
print('inbound Indexerror', e)
def check_outbound_rule(sg_id, sg_Name):
data = ec2.describe_security_groups(GroupIds=[sg_id])['SecurityGroups'][0]['IpPermissionsEgress']
for i in data:
get_protocol = i['IpProtocol']
get_ip = i['IpRanges'][0]['CidrIp']
if get_protocol == '-1':
if 'Description' not in i['IpRanges'][0]:
instance_name = get_instance_name(sg_id)
print(f"Instance_Name: {instance_name} // Security Group ID: {sg_id} // Security_Group_Name: {sg_Name} // IP Address : {get_ip} // Port: ALL // Description: None")
get_description = i['IpRanges'][0]['Description']
instance_name = get_instance_name(sg_id)
print(f"Instance_Name: {instance_name} // Security Group ID: {sg_id} // Security_Group_Name: {sg_Name} // IP Address : {get_ip} // Port: ALL // Description: {get_description}")
elif (get_protocol == 'tcp' or 'udp') and (i['FromPort'] == '80' or '443') and get_ip == '':
get_port = i['FromPort']
get_ip = i['IpRanges'][0]['CidrIp']
if 'Description' not in i['IpRanges'][0]:
instance_name = get_instance_name(sg_id)
print(f"Instance_Name: {instance_name} // Security_Group_ID: {sg_id} // Security_Group_Name: {sg_Name} // IP_Address: {get_ip} // Port: {get_port} // Description: None")
get_description = i['IpRanges'][0]['Description']
instance_name = get_instance_name(sg_id)
print(f"Instance_Name: {instance_name} // Security_Group_ID: {sg_id} // Security_Group_Name: {sg_Name} // IP_Address: {get_ip} // Port: {get_port} // Description: {get_description}")
except KeyError as e:
print('outbound keyerror', e)
except IndexError as e:
print('outbound Indexerror', e)
if __name__ == "__main__":
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